Anyway, we went to the very early 3:00 pm church service at our church. I thought it was nice but my husband thought that things were a little too jazzy. Don't mess with his Christmas Carols. Leave them traditional please!
When we got home, we did a quick straighten-up before everyone came over. Here we are greeting our first guests.
Judy helped me by taking lots and lots of pictures this year. Thanks, Judy! I would have missed out on a lot of shots. Including this one where I have no idea what Hayley is doing but it must be pretty funny judging from the look on Amy's face!
Here are several of the cousins with the sign that I made earlier in the evening, which is a message to their aunt (my sister-in-law) who lives in Texas. We wish she and her family had been able to join us this year.
So for part of my and Deanna's presents from various members of Anne's family, she had included photos of our husbands as little boys that she had blown up and framed, We thought they were super cute and had our husbands pose with their photo. As you can see from their body language, they had a message for their little sister. Hee-hee!
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