Thursday, March 19, 2009

Back in Business

I am back in business with my slipcovers! Remember the very sad tale of how the fabric store didn't have enough of what I needed? I had picked out two fabrics and they had enough of the accent fabric but not enough of the main fabric. So I ordered yet MORE samples from another company. Those came in and I just wasn't in love. BUT! I did what I hadn't thought of doing before and just switched out my fabrics. So my accent fabric is now the main fabric and what was my main fabric is now my accent fabric. Duh! Why did that take me two weeks to figure out? Anyway, I ordered it up and the warehouse was even kind enough to give me free shipping since that was the promotion going on at the time I originally ordered the fabric. Whee! It came in this week and I called the seamstress to let her know it was here. She came over to pick up the fabric and my chair that afternoon! In two weeks I should have all three pieces completed.

The only "problem" is that now between the couch, chair and walls I think I will have way too much green in the room. So I am going to repaint my walls a light gold/tan color. Of course this part will need to wait until Amy has left for college because I really don't want to hear all the bitching about home improvement projects. The girl has no use for re-decorating. She is under the very false impression that things around the house are ever done. Nothing is EVER done, right? It's constantly evolving, right?

Anyway, I think I am going to repaint the living room (and you know I means Tim right?). But if you have ever been to my house you know that there is no way to paint the living room without painting the dining room and main hallway. And in order to paint the dining room I am going to have to remove wallpaper. I am also starting to think crown molding. Or is it moulding? So I am thinking this will be a great project for those first few weeks of fall when I am dealing with an empty nest and wondering what to do with myself.

I will start posting pictures when I start getting my furniture back. I can't wait!


Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

You crack me up with your comment of "And by me I mean Tim." So true, isn't it? :) Thanks for your idea to check out am heading over there tonight to see what they have! :)

Kathi N said...

Nice to have the problem solved! That was kind of a duh-moment. Why didn't I think of it if you didn't!? I can't wait 'til it comes back. Wheeee!

Controlling My Chaos said...

I think that's a great plan. The perfect project for taking your mind off the empty nest.

Tiffany said...

Thanks for coming by! Good luck with your slipcovers. :)

Wendy said...

I think it's the spring weather that gets me really rolling on home projects around here. I finally got drapes up this week after living here for nearly 6 years. A decision that large seems so permanent and I just couldn't commit for so long. They're a lovely striped gold - to match my gold walls. Sounds like you're heading in the same direction. It's a lovely color to live with.