Friday, January 2, 2009

Merry Christmas 2008

Okay, so I have received a request that since I posted about Christmas Eve with my husband's family, that I post about Christmas Day with mine. Who knew anyone even READS this thing! And now that it's a week past Christmas and all the decorations are already put away, I had to think long and hard about it. But since I was asked ever so nicely, here is my Christmas Day.

Tim & I woke up early because that's just how we roll. After the cinnamon rolls, coffee and OJ were ready we went in to wake Amy up. I think we are the only parents in the history of the world who have to wake their kid up on Christmas morning. We have ALWAYS had to do this, even when she was little. Recently I asked her why she was never so excited to get up and see what Santa had brought her. She said that she WAS excited but the presents were still going to be there when she woke up so what's the hurry? Weird kid. Here she is with two of her favorite presents; a warm ski cap (that matches perfectly with the coat we bought after Thanksgiving) and seasons one and four of The Office.

The puppies were really happy with their presents this year! They got so many toys that I ended up having to put some up so that they didn't tear up every single one of them by the end of the week. Scout's brother, Nugget, gave them the cutest gingerbread man and reindeer toys! They grunt more than squeak and that alone has been the greatest thing ever. Except that every day that they start in with the grunting toys I run into the living room thinking that they are choking on something! They argue over the remaining grunting toy daily. Thanks, Nugget! Here is Scout, worn out from playing tug with another toy that was in his stocking. If I ever become proficient with blogging I will learn how to post a video because I have a great one of him with all the squeaking and grunting going on.

As soon as we finished opening our gifts, Tim was watching TV and Amy just had to take a nap. She was SO tired, having been up for a whole hour! She slept the morning away while I made potatoes to take to my mom's house later.

For Christmas dinner we went to my mom's house which is only about a mile away. It sure is nice to have our family in such close proximity. When we arrived at the house we could smell all the wonderful Christmas-y smells clear out in the yard. This year we had turkey and ham and Jim cooked some barbecued pork. We had, I think, four different kids of potatoes, some salads, rolls and other appetizer type foods. Mmmm..... ham balls! For dessert we had little bitty cheesecakes. They were the perfect size.

Here are some of the family pictures I took that day. This is my sister Kelly and my niece Stephanie. Aren't they cute?

And here is my brother-in-law Jim. I told him if he didn't smile I would make a blog post about grumpy people. I don't think that's why he smiled but he did.

This is my sister Kathi. Isn't she just the cutest? We have an awful lot of fun together and can make each other laugh (or cry) with just a look. And lots of times we end up laughing so hard that we can't breathe!

This is my mom. Shhhh! I told her if she smiled that I would NOT put her picture on here. But I lied. To my mother! Can you believe it?

And just so you can see that I do not exaggerate how much my dogs love their toys, here is a picture of what the gingerbread man looked like at the end of the day. De-grunted and on his way of being relieved of his stuffing. How sad.

Hope you had a great Christmas too!

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